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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the indieauthors.social moderators.

  1. Be nice.
  2. Be fair.
  3. Be restrained with opinions not related to indie publishing, indie authors, and indie books. Posts, debates, or opinions making judgments on people's lifestyles, beliefs, personal identification, political affiliation, etc. are subject to moderation.
  4. Be tolerant. This server will not condone, support, or allow intolerant or hateful communications of any kind.
  5. Don't post copyrighted material unless you are the copyright holder or it falls under Fair Use w/attribution.
  6. Be reasonably active (post). Indie Authors Social is an active and passionate community of Authors-Helping-Authors. Accounts will be suspended from this instance for prolonged periods of inactivity and: no profiles, no links, no posts., no follows.
  7. Abide by US law for content posted or attached to messages.
  8. Don't spam your books.